The FIT company was built in Minato-ku, Nagoya-city for purposes of barrel abrasion, machine production, import and the sale in 1988 by Mr.Tomihiro Ishiguro. The production is done in China. From the beginning we realized that we offer a low-priced article in a high quality.
The market of the abrasion processing still continues to grow us advance, however we have always taken in the latest technology and information positively. At the same time, we have continued making steady efforts to be able to meet the needs of our customers with a better production.
While on Japanese soil, the production in foreign countries will advance. Our company competes in the international market and makes an effort to help the customers of many foreign countries including Southeast Asia.
Through this abrasion business, we contribute to society, striving for mutual prosperity and harmony with the environment. Additionally we take it with a mission as the company and want to repeat trust and the results of one by one.
More favor thanking you in advance.

Company Name : FIT Co., LTD.
Foundation : 1998, May
Capital : 12,000,000 yen
Business Contents : barrel abrasion / the production of facilities / import / sale
Address : Zip code 463-0808
2-501 Hanasakidai, Moriyama-ku, Nagoya-city, Aichi prefecture, Japan
Phone : 052-739-0671 Fax: 052-739-0672
Bankers : Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ Bank Yanagibashi Branch
Group Company : Futaba Sangyou Company Futaba Sangyou(Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.
Futaba Surface Finishing M&M (Shen Zhen) Co., Ltd.
1998 May
It was built in Minato-ku, Nagoya-city for purposes of barrel abrasion, machine production, import, and sale.
2001 May
It moved in Naka-ku, Nagoya-city.
2009 March
It became the total amount expenditure corporation for Futaba Sangyou Company.
2009 May
It moved in Futaba Sangyou Company in Moriyama-ku, Nagoya-city.